
Life is good, but something is missing

Life is good, but something is missing

Life is good, but something is missing. Hi! I’m Nicola Robson, Creative Design Manager at TryHackMe. I hold a First Class BA with Honors in Graphic Design and an Advertising Design LVL4 Diploma, woo-hoo! My love for drawing has always been a part of me, but it’s...
Alice wants to get back to being creative

Alice wants to get back to being creative

Alice wants to get back to being creative My name is Alice and I’ve just completed my level 2 Graphic Design Diploma with the CDS. I have an academic background in contemporary art but for the last 10 years have been working variously in production, freelance editing...
Creating a New Career in Graphic Design

Creating a New Career in Graphic Design

Barry aims at Creating a New Career I have a background education in graphic design as I studied at Bournemouth Arts Institute and University for Creative Arts at Maidstone. Having got my degree I subsequently worked in a completely different field for a number of...
Aileen Brings More Creativity Into Her Life

Aileen Brings More Creativity Into Her Life

Aileen Brings More Creativity Into Her Life Hi, My name is Aileen Bennie and I come from a beautiful part of the world, Scotland. I have been studying with the Creative Design School International for just over one year and it has been a thoroughly enjoyable...
Sharon adopts a professional approach

Sharon adopts a professional approach

Sharon adopts a professional approach At the time of signing up with the CDS, I was a self-taught designer, looking to add some credibility and professional qualifications to my skill set. I was already freelancing and had built up a number of regular clients, but I...
Hristo become a Design Genius

Hristo become a Design Genius

Hristo become a Design Genius HRISTO BENEV – BULGARIA ADVANCED GRAPHIC DESIGN – LEVEL 3 “Hi, my name is Hristo and I’m from Bulgaria. I’ve always been interested in all things creative and for the last 9 years I have worked as a freelancer on a...
Imran refreshes his skills and starts new career

Imran refreshes his skills and starts new career

Imran refreshes his skills and starts new career SHAFIQ IMRAN MOHAMED – UAE VISUAL COMMUNICATION – SPECIALIST LEVEL 4 “The course is very detailed and guided me at a steady pace in order to grasp all that it has to offer.”  Hi, my name is Imran. I was born...